Thursday, August 20, 2009

Giloy – The Amrita– The ayurvedic medicine to protect Swine Flu

The terror of swine flu is in Air and the death toll reaches upto 25 in India. Pune is the worst affected city in India for the deadly swine flu. The best herbal medicine to prevent swine flu is Giloy. Giloy is also known as Gulancha Tinospara in English and its botanical name is Tinospora Cordifolia. The stem of giloy is very useful and when it mixes with Tulsi , the syrup is very useful to remove the body toxins and increase the immune systems and resistance power of the body.

The Giloy syrup or sattu works as a blood purifier and remove all the toxic substance from your body through urine.

So, if you are afraid from Swine flu then go for Giloy as a preventive measure to avoid the swine flu.

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